Results for 'Cynthia Correen Kaufman'

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  1. A User’s Guide to White Privilege.Cynthia Kaufman - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 4 (1-2):30-38.
    Picking up where Peggy McKintosh’s “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” left off, this essay looks further into the ways that racial privilege manifests itself in the lives of white Americans. It explores some of the reasons that white privilege is hard for whites to see and it explores the question of how white people can act responsibly given the unavoidable realities of racial privilege.
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    Taking Political Power from the Fossil Fuel Industry in advance.Cynthia Kaufman - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy Review.
    This paper explores the interrelations between a wide variety of strategies being deployed to take away the political power of the fossil fuel industry. This paper explains why challenging the political power of the industry is a crucial part of work to address the climate crisis. It explains the logics underlying a variety of strategies to challenge that political power. It explores the ways these disparate strategies, even when not coordinated, can undermine the variety of “pillars of support” which prop (...)
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    Knowledge as Masculine Heroism or Embodied Perception: Knowledge, Will, and Desire in Nietzsche.Cynthia Kaufman - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (4):63 - 87.
    Two distinct doctrines of the will operate in Nietzsche. On one, each person has a will that grows out of their engagement with life. This view can be the basis for a feminist epistemology. On the other, the will must be stimulated through the creation of unattainable goals and games of seduction. This view of the will is misogynist, as it posits a self that must constitute for itself a dominated and silenced other.
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    Rethinking Socialism.Cynthia Kaufman - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (3):809-812.
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    The Unforced Force of the More Familiar Argument A Critique of Habermas' Theory of Communicative Rationality.Cynthia Kaufman - 1999 - Philosophy Today 43 (4):348-360.
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  6. The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness of Philosophy.George Yancy, Barbara Applebaum, Susan E. Babbitt, Alison Bailey, Berit Brogaard, Lisa Heldke, Sarah Hoagland, Cynthia Kaufman, Crista Lebens, Cris Mayo, Alexis Shotwell, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Tessman & Audrey Thompson - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    In this collection, white women philosophers engage boldly in critical acts of exploring ways of naming and disrupting whiteness in terms of how it has defined the conceptual field of philosophy. Focuses on the whiteness of the epistemic and value-laden norms within philosophy itself, the text dares to identify the proverbial elephant in the room known as white supremacy and how that supremacy functions as the measure of reason, knowledge, and philosophical intelligibility.
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    Cynthia Kaufman. Consumerism, Sustainability, and Happiness: How to Build a World Where Everyone Has Enough.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (2).
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  8. Excessive daydreaming: A case history and discussion of mind wandering and high fantasy proneness.Cynthia Schupak & Jesse Rosenthal - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):290-292.
    This case study describes a patient presenting with a long history of excessive daydreaming which has caused her distress but is not incident to any other apparent clinical psychiatric disorders. We have treated this patient for over 10 years, and she has responded favorably to fluvoxamine therapy, stating that it helps to control her daydreaming. Our patient, and other psychotherpists, have brought to our attention other possible cases of excessive daydreaming. We examine the available literature regarding daydreaming, mind wandering, and (...)
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  9. A New Generation of Corporate Codes of Ethics.Cynthia Stohl, Michael Stohl & Lucy Popova - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (4):607-622.
    Globalization theories posit organizational convergence, suggesting that Codes of Ethics will become commonplace and include greater consideration of global issues. This study explores the degree to which the Codes of Ethics of 157 corporations on the Global 500 and/or Fortune 500 lists include the "third generation" of corporate social responsibility. Unlike first generation ethics, which focus on the legal context of corporate behavior, and second generation ethics, which locate responsibility to groups directly associated with the corporation, third generation ethics transcend (...)
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  10. Young Children Treat Robots as Informants.Cynthia Breazeal, Paul L. Harris, David DeSteno, Jacqueline M. Kory Westlund, Leah Dickens & Sooyeon Jeong - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):481-491.
    Children ranging from 3 to 5 years were introduced to two anthropomorphic robots that provided them with information about unfamiliar animals. Children treated the robots as interlocutors. They supplied information to the robots and retained what the robots told them. Children also treated the robots as informants from whom they could seek information. Consistent with studies of children's early sensitivity to an interlocutor's non-verbal signals, children were especially attentive and receptive to whichever robot displayed the greater non-verbal contingency. Such selective (...)
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  11. Emergence and Downward Causation.Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald - 2010 - In Graham Macdonald & Cynthia Macdonald, Emergence in mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Externalism and Authoritative Self-Knowledge.Cynthia Macdonald - 1998 - In C. Macdonald, Barry C. Smith & C. J. G. Wright, Knowing Our Own Minds: Essays in Self-Knowledge. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 123-155.
    Externalism in the philosophy of mind has been thought by many to pose a serious threat to the claim that subjects are in general authoritative with regard to certain of their own intentional states.<sup>1</sup> In a series of papers, Tyler Burge (1985_a_, 1985_b_, 1988, 1996) has argued that the distinctive entitlement or right that subjects have to self- knowledge in certain cases is compatible with externalism, since that entitlement is environmentally neutral, neutral with respect to the issue of the individuation (...)
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    Trust Diffusion: The Effect of Interpersonal Trust on Structure, Function, and Organizational Transparency.Cynthia Clark Williams - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (3):357-368.
    This study presents an organizational model to explain when and how trust permeates an organization, when it is constrained and to what extent it informs the perceptions of transparency among stakeholders. Through the use of qualitative research, resulting in five corporate case studies, and a separate quantitative analysis, it was possible to demonstrate ways in which trust can be diffused amongorganizational layers. These findings add to the literature by analyzing trust in organizational settings via reciprocal dyadic relationships in a social-structural (...)
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  14. Introspection and authoritative self-knowledge.Cynthia Macdonald - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (2):355-372.
    In this paper I outline and defend an introspectionist account of authoritative self-knowledge for a certain class of cases, ones in which a subject is both thinking and thinking about a current, conscious thought. My account is distinctive in a number of ways, one of which is that it is compatible with the truth of externalism.
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    Constraint on the Transformation of Characters, Objects, and Settings in Dream Reports.Cynthia D. Rittenhouse, Robert Stickgold & J. Allan Hobson - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (1):100-113.
    To extend the hypothesis that bizarre discontinuities in dreams result from the interaction of chaotic, "bottom-up" brainstem activation with "top-down" cortical synthesis, we have performed a detailed analysis of dream discontinuities using a new methodology that allows for objective characterization of this formal dream feature. Transformations of characters and objects in dream reports were found to follow definite associational rules. While there were 11 examples of character–character transformation and 7 of inanimate object–inanimate object transformation, transformations of characters into inanimate objects (...)
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  16. Self-Knowledge and Inner Space.Cynthia Macdonald - 2006 - In Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald, Mcdowell and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 73--88.
    This chapter contains section titled: Externalism and Authoritative Self‐Knowledge The “Fully Cartesian” Conception Externalism and Authoritative Self‐Knowledge A Suggestion.
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    Disaggregating deliberation's effects: an experiment within a deliberative poll.Cynthia Farrar, James S. Fishkin, Donald P. Green, Christian List, Robert C. Luskin & Elizabeth Levy Paluck - 2010 - British Journal of Political Science 40 (2):333-347.
    Using data from a randomized field experiment within a Deliberative Poll, this paper examines deliberation’s effects on both policy attitudes and the extent to which ordinal rankings of policy options approach single-peakedness (a help in avoiding cyclical majorities). The setting was New Haven, Connecticut, and its surrounding towns; the issues were airport expansion and revenue sharing – the former highly salient, the latter not at all. Half the participants deliberated revenue sharing, then the airport; the other half the reverse. This (...)
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  18. Aristotle on Possibilities and Capabilities.Cynthia A. Freeland - 1986 - Ancient Philosophy 6:69-89.
  19. Externalism and First-Person Authority.Cynthia Macdonald - 1995 - Synthese 104 (1):99-122.
    Externalism in the philosophy of mind is threatened by the view that subjects are authoritative with regard to the contents of their own intentional states. If externalism is to be reconciled with first-person authority, two issues need to be addressed: (a) how the non-evidence-based character of knowledge of one's own intentional states is compatible with ignorance of the empirical factors that individuate the contents of those states, and (b) how, given externalism, the non-evidence-based character of such knowledge could place its (...)
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    Trust and Expectations of Researchers and Public Health Departments for the Use of HIV Molecular Epidemiology.Cynthia E. Schairer, Sanjay R. Mehta, Staal A. Vinterbo, Martin Hoenigl, Michael Kalichman & Susan J. Little - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (3):201-213.
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  21. Mary Astell: Defender of the “Disembodied Mind”.Cynthia B. Bryson - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (4):40-62.
    This paper demonstrates how Mary Astell's version of Cartesian dualism supports her disavowal of female subordination and traditional gender roles, her rejection of Locke's notion of “thinking matter” as a major premise for rejecting his political philosophy of “social contracts” between men and women, and, finally, her claim that there is no intrinsic difference between genders in terms of ratiocination, the primary assertion that grants her the title of the first female English feminist.
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    There is no "I" in nature: The influence of self-awareness on connectedness to nature.Cynthia Frantz, F. Stephan Mayer, Chelsey Norton & Mindi Rock - 2005 - Journal of Environmental Psychology 25 (4):427-436.
  23. Future Directions for Oversight of Stem Cell Research in the United States.Cynthia B. Cohen & Mary A. Majumder - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (1):79-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Future Directions for Oversight of Stem Cell Research in the United StatesCynthia B. Cohen (bio) and Mary A. Majumder (bio)Human pluripotent stem cell research, meaning research into cells that can multiply indefinitely and differentiate into almost all the cells of the body, has become a minefield in which science, ethics, and politics have collided over the last decade in the United States. President Barack Obama entered this highly charged (...)
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  24. Those Athenian Bastards.Cynthia B. Patterson - 1990 - Classical Antiquity 9 (1):40-73.
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    Disproportionate Impacts of Radiation Exposure on Women, Children, and Pregnancy: Taking Back our Narrative.Cynthia Folkers - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (1):31-66.
    Narratives surrounding ionizing radiation have often minimized radioactivity’s impact on the health of human and non-human animals and the natural environment. Many Cold War research policies, practices, and interpretations drove nuclear technology forward by institutionally obscuring empirical evidence of radiation’s disproportionate and low-dose harm—a legacy we still confront. Women, children, and pregnancy development are particularly sensitive to exposure from radioactivity, suffering more damage per dose than adult males, even down to small doses, making low doses a cornerstone of concern. Evidence (...)
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    Practical Experience in Anatomy.Cynthia Klestinec - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal, The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 33--57.
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  27. Causal relevance and explanatory exclusion.Cynthia Macdonald & Graham F. Macdonald - 1994 - In Cynthia MacDonald & Graham MacDonald, Philosophy of Psychology: Debates on Psychological Explanation. Blackwell.
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  28. Strategic Afro-Modernism, Dynamic Hybridity, and Bebop's Socio-Political Significance.Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2013 - In Mathieu Deflem, Music and Law: Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Volume 18. Emerald Books. pp. 129-148.
    In this chapter, I argue that one can articulate a historically attuned and analytically rich model for understanding jazz in its various inflections. That is, on the one hand, such a model permits us to affirm jazz as a historically conditioned, dynamic hybridity. On the other hand, to acknowledge jazz’s open and multiple character in no way negates our ability to identify discernible features of various styles and aesthetic traditions. Additionally, my model affirms the sociopolitical, legal (Jim Crow and copyright (...)
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  29. Harsh Poetry and Art's Address: Romare Bearden and Hans-Georg Gadamer in Conversation.Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2016 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 43:103–123.
    In this essay, I analyze Romare Bearden’s art, methodology, and thinking about art, as well as his attempt to harmonize his personal aesthetic goals with his sociopolitical concerns. I then turn to Hans-Georg Gadamer’s reflections on art and our experience (Erfahrung) of art. I show how Bearden’s approach to art and the artworks themselves resonate with Gadamer’s critique of aesthetic consciousness and his contention that artworks address us, make claims upon us, and even reveal truth. Lastly, I discuss Gadamer’s emphasis (...)
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  30. Scaffolded Writing as a Tool for Critical Thinking.Cynthia D. Coe - 2011 - Teaching Philosophy 34 (1):33-50.
    In this paper I argue for the efficacy of scaffolded writing assignments in teaching critical thinking and writing in lower-division philosophy courses. Scaffolding involves converting the skills one expects students to display on a culminating assignment (in this case an argumentative paper) into a progressive series of smaller assignments, moving from papers that use relatively simple skills, such as summarizing small pieces of text, to much more complex skills, such as evaluating others’ positions, constructing their own judgments about an issue, (...)
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  31. Feminism and Ideology in Ancient Philosophy.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2000 - Apeiron 33 (4):365 - 406.
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    The Adolescence of Ethics Committees.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (2):29-29.
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    The interests of egg donors: Who is deceiving whom?Cynthia B. Cohen - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):20 – 21.
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    The Creation of Mood in The Elephant Man.Cynthia Freeland - 2018 - Film and Philosophy 22:97-115.
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    Explanation in Historiography.Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 131–141.
    This chapter contains sections titled: 1 2 3 Acknowledgment Bibliography.
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    Introspection.Cynthia Macdonald - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 741-766.
    ‘Introspection’ is a term used by philosophers to refer to a special method or means by which one comes to know certain of one's own mental states; specifically, one's current conscious states. It derives from the Latin ‘spicere’, meaning ‘look’, and ‘intra’, meaning ‘within’; introspection is a process of looking inward. Introspectionist accounts of self-knowledge fall within the broader domain of theories of self-knowledge, understood as views about the nature of and basis for one's knowledge of one's own mental states, (...)
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  37. Applied Existentialism: On Kristiana Arp's The Bonds of Freedom: Simone de Beauvoir's Existentialist Ethics.Cynthia Gayman - 2003 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (4):287-292.
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    The Role of Cosmology in Plato's Philosophy.Cynthia Freeland - 2006 - In Hugh H. Benson, A Companion to Plato. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 199–213.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Pre‐Socratic Cosmologies and the Phaedo The Soul and the Universe in the Phaedrus Timaeus Later Developments Note.
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    A Women's Political Party for Yugoslavia: Introduction to the Serbian Feminist Manifesto.Cynthia Cockburn - 1991 - Feminist Review 39 (1):155-160.
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    Primacy of Quantum Logic in the Natural World.Cynthia Sue Larson - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):326-340.
    72 1024x768 This paper presents evidence from the fields of cognitive science and quantum information theory suggesting quantum theory to be the dominant fundamental logic in the natural world, in direct challenge to the long-held assumption that quantum logic only need be considered ‘in the quantum realm.' A summary of the evolution of quantum logic and quantum theory is presented, along with an overview for the necessity of incomplete quantum knowledge, and some representative aspects of quantum logic. A case can (...)
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  41. Connectionism and Eliminativism.Cynthia Macdonald - 1991 - In Cynthia MacDonald & Graham MacDonald, Connectionism: Debates on Psychological Explanation. Blackwell.
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    Constitutive properties, essences, and events.Cynthia MacDonald - 1986 - Philosophia 16 (1):29-43.
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    Universals and the Realism/Nominalism Dispute.Cynthia Macdonald - 2005 - In Cynthia MacDonald, Varieties of Things: Foundations of Contemporary Metaphysics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 217–259.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Issue Varieties of Nominalism Two Conceptions of Universals The Regress Charge and two Unsuccessful Attempts to Meet it An Alternative.
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    Introducción a Teun Van Dijk: Análisis de Discurso.Cynthia Meersohn - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 24.
    Teun van Dijk, despite he initiated his academic path on linguistics, and more specifically, in the area of grammars; he has developed over his academic whereabouts the idea that we cannot elucidate the mysteries of discourse by its purely structural analysis. More so, in time he has explored the fi..
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    Vijayanagara.Cynthia Talbot & Burton Stein - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):656.
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    Orientalism Inside/Out: The Art of Soody Sharifi.Cynthia Freeland - 2013 - In Peg Brand Weiser, Beauty Unlimited. Indiana University Press. pp. 347-367.
    "Orientalism" is a term made prominent by critic Edward Said in his 1978 book of that title. . . . Said specifically used the term to designate a field of self-constituted experts who proposed to explain the Orient to the West. . . . This essay explores the visual artwork of Soody Sharifi who left Iran before the Islamic Revolution of 1979, but returns to photograph women and girls. After a trip back to Iran in 1999, she began a self-portrait (...)
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  47. Christian Perspectives on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: The Anglican Tradition.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (4):369-379.
    We have always had the ability to commit suicide or request euthanasia in times of serious illness. Yet these acts have been prohibited by the Christian tradition from early times. Some Christians, as they see relatives and friends kept alive too long and in poor condition through the use of current medical powers, however, are beginning to question that tradition. Are assisted suicide and euthanasia compassionate Christian responses to those in pain and suffering who face death? Or are they ways (...)
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  48. The Poet in the Poem: A Phenomenological Analysis of Anne Sexton's: Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Cynthia A. Miller - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:61-73.
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  49. Truth and Method: A Polyphonic Commentary.Cynthia Nielsen & Greg Lynch (eds.) - 2022 - Rowman and Littlefield International.
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    The Epitome Of Livy.Cynthia M. Begbie - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (2):332-338.
    A REFERENCE by the poet Martial to an abridged version of the history of Livy has given rise to the view that this epitome provided the main source for the transmission of Livy for those later writers of history whose requirements demanded an outline history of Rome. Such a view was first set out by Mommsen in 1861; he concluded that a large number of authors drew much of their material not from Livy directly but from a lost Epitome which (...)
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